Mold in bathrooms is quite common, and sometimes tricky to avoid. It is a natural thing that generally occurs due to too much intense humidity and excess moisture in the air. This means that no matter how clean your bathroom is and how often you tidy it, this won’t necessarily stop mold from growing, as it is the humidity caused from baths and showers that leads to its growth. Furthermore, you tend to find it in small, damp and dark spaces.
However, despite mold being common and appearing quite regularly, it is actually pretty easy to stop. So, we thought we would give you a few tips on what you can do to stop the mold in your bathroom…
Added ventilation
Ultimately, humidity is caused when there is too much of a build up of moisture and hot air. If this air has somewhere to escape, it will bring down the humidity levels in the bathroom and therefore reduce the risk of mold growing. The best way to do this is to add ventilation for the air to escape. This can be as simple as opening a window, or you can even add air vents to your bathroom. Vents will draw the moisture from the air and send it outside. However, we would advise opening windows to give the hot air a release and reduce the build up of humidity and dampness in the room.
Don’t leave bottles around the bath
It may sound silly, but mold is caused by a build up of moisture and dampness. When your bathroom is wet and humid, water will stick to the surfaces, and that includes things like shampoo bottles and shower gel that you may have around the bath. If you leave these here, the water can run down and eventually lead to a build up of mold underneath or around the bottle and on the surface beneath it.
Keep the room dry
Bathrooms are typically a damp room in the house, and so keeping them completely dry is just about impossible. However, you can certainly make changes so that water is not left sitting on surfaces, causing potential water damage, dampness and mold. One way you can do this, is by opening the windows during and after you have a bath or shower, and wiping down surfaces afterwards. This includes the walls and the floor, as any dampness left is what will cause mold to grow. Doing your bit to keep the bathroom as dry as possible will help to reduce the chances of mold growing.
Don’t leave damp rugs or bath mats on the floor
When you have a bath or shower, it pretty much goes without saying that your rug or bath mat will get wet or damp. Whether this is simply from the humidity, or by stepping onto it when you get out. However, you should not leave such materials like this on the floor when they are wet and damp. Instead, you should try to air dry them, or ensure that the floor beneath them has been dried. Water will gather on the surface and this can cause dampness to surrounding areas, potentially leading to mold growth. Furthermore, you should wash your bath mats or rugs regularly to keep them clean.
If you would like to know more or wish to speak to us about any plumbing enquiries, simply get in touch with us via our contact page and we will be more than happy to help.